Author Guidelines


Divergencia Journal, founded in 2011, is produced by the Taller de Historia Política O. C. F, in Chile and it issued every semester. It publishes original scientific and opinion works in the Social Sciences area, focusing specially in the Contemporary Political History, with the aim of spreading, discussing, and debating broadly the new research progress in this area. The content of the Journal is aimed to specialists, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the general public.The articles must be original and they must confine themselves to an original in-vestigation already finished or in an advanced progress and they cannot be applying simultaneously to other journals or publishing organizations (printed or electronic).The originals will be submitted to an editing process that will be done in several stages. First the received articles will be assessed preliminary by the members of the editing committee, and/or the editors who will determine the appropriateness of its publishing. Once it is established that the article matches the thematic and formal requirements pointed out in these instructions, it will be sent to two external acade-mic peers who will determine through a “double blind review”, in order to maintain confidentiality not only of the assessors but also of the authors: a) to publish without changes, b) to publish after the minor corrections had been done, or c) to reject. In case of disagreement between both results, the text will be sent to a third referee, whose decision will decide its publishing. The results of the process of the academic report will be unappealable in all cases.Divergencia accepts all articles preferably in Spanish, but articles in English are also accepted.In addition to original scientific articles, Divergencia publishes book reviews and opinion essays, which focus on promoting debate and critical thinking of current rea-lity of Chile and Latin America.Collaborations must be sent during the official announcement period pointed out on the website: Notwithstanding the aforesaid, Divergen-cia accepts articles during the whole year, which will be considered for assessment in the immediate following official announcement according to the reception date.


The authors will send their collaborations only via e-mail, in a format compatible with Microsoft word (“doc” or” docx”).The articles can have a maximum length of 30 pages, letter page format with de-fault line spacing (1,5), Arial 12 font, including notes, tables, graphs, illustrations, quo-tes and bibliographic references.144Revista Divergencia:N° 10 / Año 7Enero – Junio 2018 / ISSN 0719-2398The articles must include a summary of maximum 100 words (10 lines approx.), specifying the main objectives, sources and the results of the investigation. After the abstract, you must provide a list of three to six key words, which should be preferably selected from the Thesaurus of Unesco ( Both the summary and the key words should be in Spanish language and English.The formal structure of the article should be as it follows: 1) title (centre and bold), 2) author identification (aligned to the right specifying name and both surnames, institutional affiliation and e-mail address), 3) summary (centered), 4) key words(centered), 5) abstract (centered), 6) keywords (centered), 7) introduction, 8) work team (chapters and subchapters), 9) conclusion and 10) bibliography. Points 7 ad 10 must be justified.The criteria and selection of the articles will be the following:a) Formal aspects: compliance of the orthography rules, writing and others inclu-ded in “the instructions for the authors”.b) Title and summary: clear and precise description of the topic of the article.c) Clear presentation of the problem(s), objective and hypothesis of the investiga-tion.d) Theoretical and methodological justification: specify clearly the methodology to be used and the theoretical perspective adopted.e) Bibliography and sources: use of updated bibliography and variety of sources related to the adopted problem. It is positively assessed the use of primary sour-ces.f ) Results: clear and explicit presentation of the investigation results in the conclu-sions.Quotes and bibliographic references will be done using the APA-Harvard system that establishes, among other, the following format:


Book with one author

Angell, A. (1993). Chile de Alessandri a Pinochet: en busca de la utopía. Santiago: Editorial Andrés Bello.

Book with two authors

Cristi, R. y Ruiz, C. (1992). El pensamiento conservador en Chile. Santiago: Edito-rial Universitaria.

Book with three authorsValdivia, V., Álvarez R. y Pinto, J. (2006). Su revolución contra nuestra revolución. Santiago: Lom Ediciones.Book with more than three authorsFontaine, A (2008). Reforma de los partidos políticos en Chile. Santiago: PNUD, CEP, Libertad y Desarrollo, Proyectamérica y CIEPLAN.Book with editorRíos, N. (ed.). (2010). Para el análisis del Chile contemporáneo. Aportes desde la Historia Política. Valparaíso: Ediciones Taller de Historia Política.Chapter in a published bookGómez, J. C. (2010). Democratización y Democracia en la Historia Política recien-te de Chile. En Ríos, N. (ed.), Para el análisis del Chile contemporáneo. Aportes desde la Historia Política (pp. 49-60). Valparaíso: Ediciones Taller de Historia Política.Article in journals with one authorGodoy, O. (1999). La transición chilena a la democracia: Pactada. En Estudios Públicos (Nº 74), 79-106.Article in journals with two authorsBarozet, E. y Aubry, M. (2005). De las reformas internas a la candidatura presi-dencial autónoma: los nuevos caminos institucionales de Renovación Nacional. Revista Política (n°45), 165-197.Internet referencesMoya, P. (2006). Pinochet en Londres: análisis comparativo de la prensa que cubrió su arresto, aproximación desde el Análisis Crítico del Discurso. En Cy-ber Humanitatis (Nº37). Consulta 27 de Agosto de 2011:,1255,SCID%253D18483%2526ISID%25 3D646,00.html146Revista Divergencia:N° 10 / Año 7Enero – Junio 2018 / ISSN 0719-2398PRIMARY SOURCESReferences from newspapers and/or not scientific journalsThey must be included in the text, indicating between brackets the name of the news-paper, date and page(s). example:… tal como se indicó en aquellos tiempos (La Tercera, 18 de Febrero de 1998, p.6), el gobierno debió ceder…Audiovisual referencesThey must be included in the text, indicating between brackets the name of the direc-tor and the release date(s). Example:… tal como se señalo en un documental reciente (Said, 2001), la sensibilidad de la derecha chilena…In the case of the bibliographic reference it must be written at the end of the text the surname of the director, release date in brackets, name of the documentary or film in italics and length. Example:Said, M., (2001). I love Pinochet. 53 minutos.3. NOTIFICATION AND RIGHTS CESSIONDivergencia journal requests the authors to grant the author’s rights in order to repro-duce, publish, edit ,include , communicate and broadcast the materials and articles pu-blicly, in any way, through electronic means, optical or any technology, for exclusive scientific, cultural, of diffusion and nonprofit purposes.If an article is accepted, it will be sent attached to the acceptance notification, a mo-del type of “declaration of originality and rights cession of written work”, which must be signed, scanned and sent by email to or to deadline to forward the “declaration of originality and rights cession of writ-ten work” is seven days after been informed about the acceptance. If you do not meet the deadline it will be understood that you renounce the possibility to publish in Di-vergencia .Divergencia journal reserves the right to correct grammar, orthography syntax, etc. errors that might exist in the articles, without informing the authors in advanced and without affecting the content or sense of the article with these changes.