Emotional capitalism and corporate influence: The case of the pharmaceutical industry during the Ricarte Soto law
Daniel Manzano Méndez
Ver Descargar (PDF)Left-wing military and National Security in Peru: the ideas of Edgardo Mercado Jarrín (1968-1975)
Germán Alburquerque F.
Ver Descargar (PDF)Fractura del Centro y Popularidad Presidencial: el Partido Demócrata Cristiano chileno, 1958-1970
Rodrigo Bugueño Droguett(*), Mario Herrera Muñoz(**), Mauricio Morales Quiroga(***)
Ver Descargar (PDF)Losers and failures on the margins of history: The figure of the Frentista (FPMR) in the narrative mosaic of the Chilean post-dictatorship
Marcelo Sánchez Abarca
Ver Descargar (PDF)Reflections from memory and writing: The disappeared mapuche detainees in times of the military dictatorship in Chile
Clorinda Cuminao Rojo(*), Cecilia Jaña Monsalve(**)
Ver Descargar (PDF)Echo chambers: Agression and conflict in Facebook comments comments about the 50th anniversary of the 1973 coup in Chile
María de los Ángeles Miranda Bustamante(*), Doris Johnson Barella(**)
Ver Descargar (PDF)Artisanal Fishing Organizations and Communities, 1973-2024. Mirrors of collective trauma in Chilean society
Jessica Alfaro Álvarez
Ver Descargar (PDF)The Revolts of the Archive. Policies of the Records 50 Years After State Coup in Chile
Andrés Maximiliano Tello
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