La presente edición de Revista Divergencia retoma su centralidad en la Historia Política. En esta ocasión, tiene como eje principal a una de las corrientes partidarias más relevantes del Chile contemporáneo, como es el Partido Socialista (PSCh)…
Ver Descargar (PDF)Militant trajectories, organizational experiences and political ideas in the formation of the Socialist Party of Chile in Valparaíso, 1931-1933
Claudio Pérez Silva(*), Ignacio Méndez Moreno(**)
Ver Descargar (PDF)Class, people and region in the formation of the political culture of Chilean socialism. Chopa, 1932-1949
Igor Goicovic Donoso
Ver Descargar (PDF)“To trade union unity, above doctrines and men!” The formation of the trade union strategy of Chilean socialism in its founding stage (1931-1936)
José Ignacio Ponce López
Ver Descargar (PDF)"We will seal history with blood". Discourse and practice of political violence in Chilean socialism (1931-1941)
Raúl Muñoz Hernández(*), Francisco Sáez Muñoz(**)
Ver Descargar (PDF)The Deaths of Salvador Allende. Understanding Masculinity in Socialist Militancy 1932-1973/ 2023
Nicolás Acevedo Arriaza
Ver Descargar (PDF)Study centres and network of intellectual influence. The case of the Centre for Socioeconomic Studies and the Centre for the Study of National Reality (1965-1973)
Laura Briceño Ramírez
Ver Descargar (PDF)Dictatorial legislation and Mapuche resistance: division of community lands and autonomy on the political horizon Mapuche. Chile, 1978-1980
Fernando Pairican Padilla(*), Pedro Canales Tapia(**), Sergio Caniuqueo Huircapan(***)
Ver Descargar (PDF)The Christian Democratic Party in the first Concertación government: factional, identity and generational dilemas, 1989-1994
Cristina Moyano B.(*), Victor Muñoz T.(**)
Ver Descargar (PDF)The democratic republican institutional design
Francisco Báez Urbina
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